ConstructSim Work Package Server Help

Permission Roles

Permissions are created on a per project basis in the format of projectName-roleType. Permissions are used as a hierarchy, not as individual categories (except the SCHEDULEADMIN role). Having a permission higher in the hierarchy gives you all the permissions below it.

The ConstructSim Work Package Server permission hierarchy is:
ADMIN has control over personnel management, status visualization and project settings, can create, delete, modify and view
CREATORS can create, delete, modify and view
DELETE can delete, modify and view; can create, modify and delete Model Shots since it is part of work package editing process
MODIFY can modify and view; can create, modify and delete Model Shots since it is part of work package editing process
VIEW can view

A user having the ADMIN role can do anything, while a VIEW user is limited only to viewing data. Stacking multiple permissions for the same project results in the highest permission taking priority (for example, giving a user all permissions acts the same as giving a user only the ADMIN permission role).

Besides the roles above, there is an additional role, SCHEDULEADMIN.

The SCHEDULEADMIN role allows the user to push the schedule linking rules and Activities they created in ConstructSim Planner to the server so that everyone can then download them locally and use. Without this role, your configurations are only in your local VCM. The ADMIN user has this ability by default; there is no need to add the SCHEDULEADMIN role to the ADMIN user.